Clifton, Ezell and Clifton Golf Design Group (CEC) appreciates the opportunity to introduce ourselves through our web site and we look forward to discussing our services with you in person.
Special Acknowledgement: The first C in CEC was Lloyd M. Clifton. We lost Lloyd in 2013 just a few years after his retirement. He was 89 years young. We still recognize his hand in all of our projects and feel he’s right there with us offering his input. Lloyd was a true pioneer and leader in the golf industry.
We came up with a motto years ago and it seems to have stuck “Championship Success by Design” because we believe it’s true. We’ve achieved this result by providing more service than any other golf design firm. We would encourage you to contact any of our previous or present clients to assess our service package. You will find our personal touch has assisted each client, big and small, to become a successful venture. We pride ourselves in the fact that all of our clients have chosen to do business with us again when considering a second or third course.
The two of us, (Kenny Ezell and George Clifton) share an office in Wildwood near the Villages, where we have established an impressive track record. Our personalities and expertise have meshed to produce the most thorough and responsive design team for our clients. Collectively we have over 76 years of experience in design and management of various golf ventures. This benefits clients in terms of our technical skill as well as our vast business experience creating successful projects.
While our courses are unique in character and challenge, we keep our design eyes tuned to innovative designs and features which can be maintained efficiently and effectively for years to come. Our construction blueprints and specifications are detailed and innovative. Additionally, our frequent site inspections are conducted to insure proper construction practices and to help convey our ultimate design goals to the contractor. Ken would be considered more of an arm waiver and George is more of a foot dragger but either way we are able to get our point across to the contractor.
Additionally, we are a leading consultant in the preparation of integrated pesticide management plans and best management practices for golf courses. This assists our clients in solving the glut of environmental issues pressuring each project’s success. Our ornamental and horticulture background also facilitates owners selection and implementation of effective golf course programs to deal with trees, landscape and course irrigation.
We welcome the opportunity to tour any of our completed courses or projects currently under development.